When renting a car there are several policies and regulations you need to understand and adhere to in order to have a comfortable visit as well as to reduce charges that may come as penalty for doing otherwise. These policies are stated on the sites of the Car national rentals and therefore you need to read them before you start making your reservation.

In most cases, the policies indicate that the person whose name appears on the rental policy is the authorized operator of the vehicle but there is an option for additional drivers. These policies vary from one rental to another and come with different requirements such as an appearance of the additional driver at the time of pick up in order to sign the agreement that authorizes them as an additional driver as well as to present their licenses.  Other rentals consider the legal spouse of the renter as an additional driver.

When it comes to age, most car national rentals require the renter of the car to be at least 25 years though 21 years is acceptable for corporate contracts and international tours.  For younger renters there are certain conditions that will not allow them to rent cars such as large sized vehicles, location limits and sometime they may be required to pay extra charges as per the age bracket of the renter.

You are required to present the drivers license at the time of the rental therefore, it is essential that you check on its validity before renting the car. Some countries require an international driver permit especially for driver’s license that is written in any other language apart from English. It is also good to know that many rentals will not make any agreement if you present the international driver permit only. All additional drivers are also required to meet all the eligibility requirements as that of the primary renter.